Saturday, January 9, 2010

Hot Wheels Motorcycles What Is You Favorite Childhood Memory?

What is you Favorite Childhood Memory? - hot wheels motorcycles

What was your favorite toy?

Guess mine Hot Wheels! Evil Knievel and motorcycles! lol
Favorite memory was Six Flags with a group of Wild and Crazy Friends :-)


Pickles said...

When we were young we spend the time with my aunt and uncle. My brother was always helping my uncle in the garage and I always help my aunt with dinner. After dinner, resulting in a mirror, and then we went for a walk at sunset to see. After the end of the evening sitting around the table the cards until bedtime.

My favorite toys were my Barbie Soda Shop. The available real cream soda for a whole day until we made a mess and my mother stopped to allow us to use something other than water.

Kia Sister 1- DUCK said...

I know I have a favorite. Especially my best memories was when we do things as a family. I miss our trips to slide on snow. I lived in a small town with lots of snow, snow and hardens on the streets, it would play with the sled on the street. A person of the rope and pull the other into the sleigh, which has tons of fun. We are also in the mountains of snow and sledding, which was fun. I remember the first Christmas that we went into this community, my younger brother and I (7 a.m. to 6 p.m.) on the road and lifted the old Christmas trees, which were set up in the streets, stood in the front yard and had a Christmas tree forest.

My favorite toys were my My Little Pony

berthabi... said...

Christmas Toys Barbie fave.

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