Monday, February 8, 2010

How To Tell If A Scorpion Male Is Interested How Do You Tell If Tarantulas, Millipedes, And Scorpions Are Male Or Female?

How do you tell if tarantulas, millipedes, and scorpions are male or female? - how to tell if a scorpion male is interested

I know people keep these animals as pets, and I was wondering how they know their sexuality.


Miss Jay said...

For a tarantula, the owner will look at the skin fresh cast. The sex organs are (back into the abdomen of the spider half), the opening of the two sexes seems to be a horizontal slit. For a woman it is attached to a sort of semi-circular structure on the hard drive opening - that is the receptacle for semen. All spiders have arms like appendages called pedipalps their faces, and an adult male in the tops of the congested switch and makes it clear sex - although it is usually not necessary to wait so long for the sex of a tarantula, as we only saw the end of the year.

Not sure about the other - yes, I'm not even sure it's possible, a gender Centipede, or if it is, I do not think people care enough to worry, because if you really wanted to chuck the centipede race has a lot of things together and hope (if you would be done with the tarantulas, for example, ventured with a spider very late and very dead).

Hope this helps:)

jerrymez... said...

a kiss when they are red women can be attacked, men are

BagsofSa... said...

Watch to see who is on

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